- What is Ener-Core, Inc.'s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the OTCQB under the symbol ENCR.
- Can I buy stock directly from Ener-Core, Inc.?
No, you will need to contact a licensed stock broker or use an online trading account.
- How can I buy stock in Ener-Core, Inc.?
Through a licensed stock broker or by using an online trading account.
- How do I change the address on my shareholder account?
Through your brokerage account or by contacting our transfer agent.
- When was Ener-Core, Inc. incorporated?
- When did Ener-Core, Inc. become a public company?
Ener-Core became a public company on July 1, 2013 via a reverse merger.
- Where is Ener-Core, Inc. located?
9400 Toledo Way
Irvine, CA 92618- When is Ener-Core, Inc.'s fiscal year end?
December 31st
- Who is Ener-Core, Inc.'s transfer agent?
VStock Transfer LLC
18 Lafayette Place
Woodmere, NY 11598
T: 212-828-8436
www.vstocktransfer.com- Who are Ener-Core, Inc.'s independent auditors?
2050 Main Street
7th Floor
Irvine, CA 92614- Who is Ener-Core, Inc.'s outside legal counsel?
K&L Gates LLP
1 Park Plaza, Twelfth Floor
Irvine, CA 92614- Whom can I contact for general information about Ener-Core, Inc.?
MZ Group
Chris Tyson
Managing Director – MZ North America
Main: 949-491-8235
[email protected]